A lot has gone on since I last posted. We have had a lot to do in these past few months getting ready for the summer. I have still been working on our curriculum for the summer which centers on the Life of Christ. I am happy to say though, that i am almost done with it. I am very excited to see how God will work through our directors to teach the campers the Life of Christ. We have also been conducting a lot of staff interviews as we hire on about 115 staff members to serve this summer. We have been blessed so far with a lot of returning staff as well as some great new additions. Another event that has kept us busy is our Parents Night Out. We just had one in Peoria two weeks ago, and it went very well. We had around 40 kids that came and were able to here a Bible story lead by one of our staff members, as well as play some fun games. We also have another PNO coming up, which will be hosted at our Eureka Camp site. This is actually very exciting because it will be our 2 PNO ever at Eureka.
An interesting thought occurred to me as i was studying through the life of Christ that I thought I would share with you. Jesus is our King and yet He was willing to wash the feet of the disciples. Their nasty, smelly, and dirty feet. It makes me stop and ask myself how willing I am to do even the most lowly of tasks for those around me.
Well a few things that you can keep in prayer:
1. God will use the Bible lessons this summer to impact the lives of Children.
2. God will give us wisdom as we select staff for the summer.
3. God will help us all to be servants to those around us.